
I hope I can get a response to this very simple question. (Please leave any comments/thoughts on my blog rather than Facebook if possible as I’m trying to reach a wider audience)

My question is –

What term do use to describe yourself and your relationship to your dog? I refer to myself as Zuleikas friend but what term should I use when discussing dogs in general? I dislike the term owner, I don’t think we own our friends but can’t think what alternative to use when writing. Any suggestions? if there is a consensus then I’ll be able to use that instead of owner 🙂

2 thoughts on “Terminology”

  1. Hi Jules, thanks for the comment – most people refer to me as Zuleikas dad, so I know what you mean but is there a more generic term that covers both sexes/ I have thought of friend or companion (& no I’m not Dr Who) but neither sounds right when I’m talking about dogs and their whatevers in general.


  2. Mum! the rest of the family started it and it’s kind of stuck. Pre-dog I would have scoffed at the idea, but I feed them, make their bed, bath them and on occasion, send them to the naughty corner. That pretty much sums up parenthood.


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